
We can't get enough of Cheyennah's pictures and videos. She's the "unofficial family historian" at this point. Today I took Jacqueline to get a tooth pulled (in preparation for braces), and while I was gone, the children cranked up the stereo and goofed off. The boys were shooting rubber bands at each other, and Solomon's in the middle just dancing to the music! Who says we don't know how to have fun?! We came home to a nice clean house, with no evidence of the goofing off that went on (except this video). I think Solomon has his father's dancing moves.
Ellie has learned to ride a bike!!! GREAT JOB, ELLIE!!!! (I'm sorry it's sideways, but I didn't know how to rotate a VIDEO!) Cheyennah shot this for us on her little camera. It's nice she did. Some times the video's moving alot...Cheyennah's cracking up laughing, and can't hold still. It's kinda long, but humorous.
We're thrilled to have Dakota finished with high school!

It was a good month for him. He had his birthday (15!!), his last few finals (100% on 3 of the last four, including PHYSICS!), and a nice party to celebrate all the hard work. Our friend, Cynthia Wright volunteered to take pics of him on his birthday. He looks so handsome (righteous, good looking, smart, and funny...hmmm!) Here are some of my favorites.

We also had a little help from Grandpa Dail who took some pics for us of Dakota's party. (Notice in the first picture below that Dakota's on the phone, and has another phone in his hand taking calls!!) They ate, played football, opened some presents, and just hung around relaxing. It was a nice day, with great weather, and they were happy.